Tau Cross Newsletter

The Tau Cross was established in the spring of 1962 to communicate announcements, opportunities, and acitivities in and around the church to all its members. From its inception, it has been a vibrant record of the life of our parish. Today, the Tau Cross: Connecting the St. Matthew’s Community is a quarterly e-newsletter that continues to highlight aspects of our common parish life at the Episcopal Church of St. Matthew’s. Take a look at our current issue or enjoy an older issue.

Current Issue

Past Issues


We welcome submissions that have a connection to the parish. Inclusion is at the discretion of the staff and articles may be edited for space or clarity. Submissions may be sent by to the editor via the contact form below.  Entries should follow these guidelines: Include title of event or article; 200 word maximum description including when, where, cost and contact information as applicable. Avoid abbreviations and other “insider” lingo. Further guidelines and tips available upon request.

Send submissions to office@episcopalstmatthew.org.

Tau Cross Staff

Ann Watters Editor
Carol Martin Lay out & Design