Scenes from the First Day of Advent

Our church year begins in Advent and it is here! How can you tell? The altar is draped in blue representing Mary. Come join us for Advent Sundays as we prepare the church for Christmas!


Fr. Jay and parishioners spruced up the signs on El Camino Real. This month’s Taizé service is on Tuesday, December 4th at 7p in the Side Chapel. Proceeds from the Thrift Shop benefit Episcopal Relief & Development, CORA, Mission Hospice & Home Care, just to name a few. And again with the blue for Advent!

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There was a successful Garden Guild Plant Sale last Sunday as well. Every holiday season the Garden Guild sells traditional topiaries along with small pots of cyclamen, pomanders, and a limited edition of homemade toffees. The proceeds from the sale help the Garden Guild maintain the beautiful gardens and trees at St. Matthew.


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