Coffee Hour Reflection, January 3, 2021

Coffee Hour Reflection, January 3, 2021

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We had a heartfelt discussion on Sunday, January 4th following our Sunday service.

We discussed Father Jay’s sermon about when we look at the world, what do you find? Where can we find joy in our world right now when everything seems so wrong and backward? We must realize that the presence of God is everywhere and that joy is all around us.

We also talked about the possibilities that a New Year brings. I posed the question what one word would you choose that you would like to focus on in the New Year? It was pretty unanimous that the one word that most people choose was hope. Please find a poem entitled “Hope for the Future” for you to reflect on.

Peace and love,
Deacon Lauren

Audio Recording

Listen to Deacon Lauren’s reflection.

Click on the play triangle above to start listening.

Hope for the Future by Joseph T. Renaldi

Today we face the trying times
Of heartache and pain.
Many hopes and dreams are shattered,
And prayers seem to be in vain.
With the hope of peace diminishing,
The heart has no definitive song.
We’ve waited for an end to hostilities,
But the struggle seems so long.

Yet – there is hope for the future,
Liberty and freedom are still in command,
But God will make the ultimate decisions.
He will evaluate our worldly demands,
And he holds the future in his grasp.
Why should we despair?
He mourns and counts every tear,
And he hears and reviews every prayer.